Descontos incríveis em lingerie de luxo!

A Arte da Lingerie Luxuosa

Na Mania d’mim, criamos lingeries de qualidade e luxo, feitas à mão com carinho. Cada peça reflete nossa paixão por detalhes e conforto, proporcionando uma experiência única para nossas clientes.

A person is standing against a red background, wearing red lingerie adorned with lace and ribbon details. They have blonde hair and are striking a confident pose with one hand on their hip and the other resting behind their neck.
A person is standing against a red background, wearing red lingerie adorned with lace and ribbon details. They have blonde hair and are striking a confident pose with one hand on their hip and the other resting behind their neck.
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Qualidade e Luxo

Nossa missão é oferecer lingeries que unem sofisticação e conforto, garantindo que cada mulher se sinta especial e confiante. Acreditamos que a lingerie é uma extensão da personalidade de cada uma.

A clothesline with various lingerie items is silhouetted against a bright blue sky. Two figures can be seen in silhouette, one wearing a hat and the other with their hand on their head. The background reveals part of a brick building and a streetlamp, with the words 'Pavo Couture Amsterdam' visible on the window glass.
A clothesline with various lingerie items is silhouetted against a bright blue sky. Two figures can be seen in silhouette, one wearing a hat and the other with their hand on their head. The background reveals part of a brick building and a streetlamp, with the words 'Pavo Couture Amsterdam' visible on the window glass.


Explore a beleza e sofisticação de nossas lingeries artesanais.

A person is posing in lingerie with a retro-style aesthetic. The image is in black and white, emphasizing the contrasting textures of lace and pearls. The background appears to be a textured wall that adds depth to the composition.
A person is posing in lingerie with a retro-style aesthetic. The image is in black and white, emphasizing the contrasting textures of lace and pearls. The background appears to be a textured wall that adds depth to the composition.
A person with short hair and wearing lingerie sits at a vanity, holding a perfume bottle with one hand and a dropper in the other. The vanity is adorned with decorative elements, including flowers and reflective surfaces, creating an elegant and intimate setting.
A person with short hair and wearing lingerie sits at a vanity, holding a perfume bottle with one hand and a dropper in the other. The vanity is adorned with decorative elements, including flowers and reflective surfaces, creating an elegant and intimate setting.

Lingerie Luxuosa

Confeccionamos lingerie de qualidade, feita à mão com carinho.

A person is wearing red lace lingerie, with metallic confetti scattered on their body and around them. The setting suggests a relaxed, possibly intimate atmosphere.
A person is wearing red lace lingerie, with metallic confetti scattered on their body and around them. The setting suggests a relaxed, possibly intimate atmosphere.
Produtos Exclusivos

Nossos produtos são cuidadosamente elaborados, garantindo conforto e sofisticação para cada cliente que busca elegância e qualidade em lingerie artesanal.

A woman with styled hair is wearing a robe and holding a delicate lace garment. She is looking down at the garment with a gentle smile, standing near a window with soft light illuminating her face.
A woman with styled hair is wearing a robe and holding a delicate lace garment. She is looking down at the garment with a gentle smile, standing near a window with soft light illuminating her face.
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Cada peça é criada com atenção aos detalhes, refletindo nosso compromisso com a excelência e o amor pelo que fazemos.